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Visions of the Future

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18 minutes ago
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1 hour ago
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Talent Contest! Meranthe'...

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2 hours ago
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New Leaf

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5 hours ago
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A Forgemaster's Making

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  Visions of the Future
Posted by: robotinator - 18 minutes ago - Forum: Biographies - No Replies

> Username: kdryden
> Password:
Welcome, Coordinator Katryovno Dryden.
CURRENT DATE: 03 . 05 . 2115
> First public log for the Proto Institute. I should take some time, but I'll import the ones from the Dryden Industries mainframe at some point.
> As the new coordinator, I bring forth the prospect of my long chain of aspirations.
> Some may know of my work with the synthetics. Of a proper training given to those with adaptive functional cores. A cheaper design, but one that ramps up in efficiency terribly fast.
> My work in Manamechanics goes right as well. The first publication should be ready in no time and pushed to the annals of the Librarium. Documentation matters.
> After that, with some better understanding of the runework required and the metaphysical changes it enacts upon the world, I can start distributing the freedom I always have wished.
> My focus is on the non-magi research so far. Lucky as I am, I report that it proceeds without any setbacks. We have yet to begin testing on live subjects.
> Creating magic from non-magic components seems to be possible according to research. More shall be done to confirm.
> Research on the 4-A front continues as well. Acantho still leads the project, but I've come to understand more of it as I was allowed.
> If all goes well, the Proto Institute shall rise from where it was. With the creation of the Ares Unit, we're taking more of the military stance we never had to.
> Unfortunate, but war seems to be a profitable endeavor.


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Posted by: ascendingsoon - 1 hour ago - Forum: Biographies - No Replies

I dream sometimes.

Days when the rain falls, the fog clings to high cliffs and is tinged with the scent of salt more than the taste of despair, anguish, disbelief, I dream.  It is a nice dream: one of many colours and many sounds.  I see figures that prance about like rabbit and deer in the forests.  Their forms were always so graceful.  They turned and spun and danced in circles over and over again.  Some days they will run around my head.  I reach out to grasp them but the mist evaporates.

And then the rain ends.

Little things come to me, if I let them.  Thoughts, mostly, but sometimes butterflies that mistake my antlers for the trees.  Perhaps it would be a good life to be a tree: existing, reaching ever-higher, to crest upon the clouds and to drink in all the world has to offer.  It would be an easy life.  A simple life.  My purpose does not call for such a thing, however.  I cannot be satisfied with this complacency.  I wish to, because everyone used to tell me how different I used to be.  But what is the purpose of the parrot, to whisper and chide, to the bird greater?

And so I remain in stagnancy.

These emotions are amusing to me.  They are vapid, fleeting, and feel as though I were hit with poison.  My body hates it.  My mind savours it.  I do not know what to do.  Perhaps in my use of words, weaving them like a spell, I have fooled myself into thinking I was something else.  Maybe this is merely a portion of my mind, my essence, that seeks freedom from the ichor that binds it.  Maybe it is myself talking in a voice that is not mine because I hunger for acceptance in the heart of the weak and foolish.

I dream sometimes.

And in these dreams, the rain never ends.

Can you hear me? Do you believe me? Honey attracts better than vinegar ever will.

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  A Forgemaster's Making
Posted by: erside - Yesterday, 02:29 PM - Forum: Emporium - No Replies

[Image: JNjt4oz.png]

A Nightmare Creation of the Witches Yugram and Carmine, forged from the body of a sacrificed Moonfallen.
You were made from the deceased scales of a Rasska, one of the natural enemies to all Sirenian and aquatic wildlife. Terribly fast, made of a dozen heads, and with a body as tough as adamantite. (You're free to roleplay this as you will, it brings no mechanical benefits and is just fluff.)
Ascension is a possibility, and not a guarantee. But so are all other night creatures forged from the dead. You are however more refined than most.

You were made from the Devil Forgemaster ritual of the Moonfall Coven in Atrellya.
You start at 150 RPL.
You're mechanically a demon.
Despite being made from a dead Rasska Scale and a Warlock's dead body, your appearance is entirely up to you and how you want to roleplay it. This is moreso a suggestion in case you want some guidance. (im broke so i have no sprite to provide if you really wanna look like a rasska)
Your Caretaker is Yugram of Gotaalv, though other Moonfallen may aid you if they wish to.

Contact erside on Discord if you're interested!

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  Goodbye Xuefeng.
Posted by: ForgetTheUnknown - Yesterday, 10:53 AM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

"I'm not strong enough. I am not good enough. I'm not capable of having what it takes to survive in the harsher biomes of Meranthe. Every day I strive, I've remembered the traumas of my past encroaching nearer, inch by inch, until it finally caught up to me. The stupidity I've had was just a masque to hide the amount of shame I had for being so weak, frail, and useless. The only thing I could even remember up until now is the struggles I've faced to become respectable. I'm a liar, a pretender, a -fraud-. When i was bested in sword combat I've given up on my dream, when I was coerced into using magic I had still failed in being competent. I cannot even impress the person I've valued as my older brother. Perhaps, I'm just fated to be this worthless, frail, and pathetic? Nobody knows, except the Pantheon themselves, perhaps they know. If they do? Then, maybe I've been cursed since the beginning. To be born unable to properly wield magic, no matter how much I've trained to fulfill such an endeavor." 

"Goodbye Xuefeng, my once beloved home."

A note was left behind. Although, no name was written down that signified whom it belonged to. Perhaps, the message itself was insignificant at best. Perhaps a passersby had vented to himself, and accidentally dropped it as they nomadically wandered throughout Meranthe. 

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  A Place Worthy of Remembrance
Posted by: Regalus - Yesterday, 04:52 AM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

A Place Worthy of Remembrance
[Image: df38fyh-b68db2e2-a53e-4120-a0ec-4e80f8f6e006.png]

Nightview Library - 2114 AC
The often quiet Nightview could be seen as unusually bustling as the local non-magi mortals such as those of scholars, scribes, and book enthusiasts are visibly vibrating from excitement. Crates are stacked, high as winds. Hundreds of Soothing and Crimson Reeds, Acorns, Luminite, and various other materials make their way upon the Nightview Library: their reason clear to any that has dabbled upon the machinations of faith.
The Librarian of Nighview, Regalus, is holding a blessing rite under Memoria to forever commemorate Nightview Library in the eyes of God of Time and the Embodiement of Knowledge.
Despite all the preparations, no large scale missives or advertisements could be seen. Only known by word of mouth and those curious enough to stop by.
Peace and quiet
Free of war and strife
A journey to know more
Pure in pursuit, without ulterior motive
Knowledge for Knowledge's sake
That is the true path to knowledge

Saturday - 04/20/24
4 P.M. EST

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  The Oracle's Secretary
Posted by: bonafidenubbin - Yesterday, 03:06 AM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

A brief missive on official letterhead is posted in the major cities of the Realm, from Serenity in the east to Xuefeng in the west:

[Image: wye3cbk5n94.png]

Citizens of Meranthe:

Let it be known that Oracle Ysayl dul Vique has named Loramelian Ueda her Secretary. Requests to
speak with the Oracle should be sent directly to Loramelian, to be scheduled accordingly. The
Oracle is confident her Secretary will succeed in directing all inquiries to the ideal points of contact,
and encourages anyone with questions or concerns to reach out for clarification.

Ysayl dul Vique, Oracle of Gloomlight Grove, Second Daughter of Athelios
Secretary Loramelian Ueda

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  New Leaf
Posted by: Dandeli - Yesterday, 02:11 AM - Forum: Biographies - Replies (1)

[Image: AfRGrXeW8zxtWLKUZcATfAgRYi6SGXiN661TlPFE...2IJzHsy4Ng]
You are quite plain, Miss Meanderwalk.
"Why yes, I am."

What killed the you of yesterday, Miss Meanderwalk?
"I would argue 'revived' is a more apt term."

Yet, what is it, Miss Meanderwalk, that compels this decorum?
"Why, I am no longer a beast, of course."
Why does your heart yet beat, Miss Meanderwalk?
"I've learned that's something I'm not meant to answer."

What makes you angry?
"Her. Them. Me."

What makes you cry?
"Me. Me. Them, because of me."

Are you doing the right thing?
"That's impossible. There is no right. Only dreams."

What will you say when it all ends?
"I believe.. goodnight."
Well, what will you say when I'm gone?
"Fuck you."

Is there a point to it all?
"Yes. No. Maybe-so."
"What matters is that it was real."

And what will you do?
"My best."

And who will you help?

"Those I can reach."

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  The Ares Unit
Posted by: Monarch - 04-18-2024, 10:37 PM - Forum: In Character - No Replies

[Image: NXzcPrK.png]

"The nerve of these Vultures. Causing all this trouble and running away."

With the scandalous failure of the defective and now disbanded Vulture Squad, a successor has emerged. 

In immediate response to the escalating threat of witches and pests infiltrating the Expanse, the Ares Unit has been designated to fix what the previous squad couldn't. Charged with protecting the integrity of the Institute and maintaining order within the city, this military force stands now as a presence against disorder, chaos and especially those aligned against the Institute.

Acting under the new Coordinator's orders, the Ares Unit is composed of the entirety of Final Frontier's military. A highlight, however, goes to the creation of a Special Forces unit inside of it, composed of four initial operatives:
♛ Ares-1 Monarch
♜ Ares-2 Vortex
♝ Ares-3 Phantom
♞ Ares-4 Ghost

United with a shared goal, the new unit combines its strength to root out threats from within and without, ensuring the advancement of the Proto Institute and securing the protection and potential of individuals who work in the name of progress.

Now, a promise made to guarantee that the mistakes of past commanders and squadrons are not repeated. With that stated, the Ares Unit is at the ready to ensure that the Silent Expanse remains a safe haven for all of its citizens.

"But we will keep it simple. We will make quick work of the mistakes, and set the train back in motion."

Glory to the Institute.

[Image: ww07QeG.png]

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  The Forest of the White Lily
Posted by: SwordDao - 04-18-2024, 09:09 PM - Forum: Events - No Replies

[Image: d17b692950811ca1ccc49eaf5d554dc32c02c030...y=lossless]

"The Forest of The White Lily. It was known for its titular inhabitant, a herb that could serve as a stimulant that would allow those without a capacity for mana to work for several days without rest. The elusive nature of the flower was not because it had been in short supply, but the ferocious wildlife that occupied the forest. Magi and non-Magi alike had met their end within this forest." - Teng Su

Inspired by the story of his Elder, Teng Su, Ou Ken echoes the tale to those of his sect. Eager to follow in the footsteps of their elder, the cultivators charted their path and set off on an expedition to find the elusive White Lily and discover the secrets of the forest.
Character: Ou Ken
Attendees: The cultivators
Risk: HCoI or higher can be discussed
Theme: Adventure, mystery, explorers
Reward: White Lily and whatever might be found in forest
DM: plz help
(contact dantequavious discord)

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  Beget from Fate and Shadows
Posted by: PillowChalk - 04-18-2024, 12:05 PM - Forum: Emporium - Replies (1)

[Image: BxeyZvp.png]
[Image: syq0XUA.png]
[Image: R8zvHFu.png]
[Image: imjlyFp.png]
Expert Medic/Duelcrafter/Spectral Sight/Telepathy/Cooking Mama/Memoria Radiant
  • Mystic of Memories and Seer of Sands, your mother has enchanted many in the past with dances of destiny. Even more were drawn as she connected with them through telepathy in order to divine their futures with memories from their past.
  • You are used to moving around from place to place via her caravan but remember your early childhood to be coddled by your mother and kept safe in a particular spot. Perhaps out of safety, given the climate of Meranthe.
  • Was deeply empathetic and sensitive to your feelings, and quick to comfort you during growing pains.
  • Is a worshiper of Memoria, the Constant of Time- though not avidly so as some of her more religious peers. She will teach you to passively respect time and what it gives or takes.
  • Would make sure you were immersed in mysticism and fate, learning the rich stories and practices of the maternal side of your family. Oral traditions were especially emphasized.
  • Protective, but encouraged independence as you grew older, allowing you to explore while ensuring you were safe.
  • Through her own experiences with loss, would teach you the impermanence of life and cherishing every moment.
  • Has received a lasting injury during an expedition to a Memoria site and has raw aether in her body. Her eyes had a peculiar, fragmented shape with clock hands- something that may be potentially passed onto one of you, with time and effort.
[Image: rfmIieI.png]
[Image: nHqGEZ8.png]
[Image: 4T9PqXS.png]
[Image: XNtcWMe.png]
Duelcrafter/Necromancy/Telepathy/Cooking Papa/Riftmancy/Spectral Sight
  • A master swordsman and of everything spooky and dark. He'd tried his best to ensure you've grown up with an open mind, for it is the actions of one that should be judged upon, not their magic. He'd also note that any damage to the Lifestream that may occur from the use of said magics was just propaganda spouted by those less learned.
  • Due to the nomadic nature of your mother, you'd have gone without seeing your father for months at a time but whenever he visited he'd make sure to spend as much time as he could, connecting and teaching you. He'd also have given you a puppy that would've grown up with you, not only to serve as companionship but to impart upon the importance of life.
  • Was the stricter of the two parents and most likely the source of your childhood fears and traumas.
  • Is a servant of [REDACTED] and would've tried to gently push you to the same path as he, but never forced you towards it.
  • Would've made sure that you grew up with an appreciation for fine craftsmanship. He'd have made your first weapons, armor - even clothing. When asked about his side of the family, he'd be far more guarded, offering only bits and pieces until you were older.
  • Somewhat more hands-off, especially as you grew older. He made it abundantly clear that if one cannot suffer the consequences of their actions, they'd need to not make such mistakes in the first place. Would still defend you if your life was in danger, however.
[Image: 5egtM9P.png] [Image: XFaeKxR.png] [Image: Ohufcc1.png]

Two slots. One will be 13 while the other is 15. The latter slot has that sweet Memoria juice swirling inside of them. Yum.
You will be human. Skin color can vary from pale white to chestnut brown.
Can be either gender.
Will have either pinkish-purple or dark (debatably indigo) hair. Though your eyes will definitely lean towards the rust-colored to red side.
You parents would provide you with equipment, lessons, or protection while ensuring your needs are satisfied.
Accepted applicants will be given more information should they desire.
Can spawn NOW.
Apply here
Any questions can be directed to spookydulcet

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